Mirna Lekić


Furious Artisans, 2023


Listen to Mirage

The pianist Mirna Lekić focuses much on the instrument’s ability to take on aspects of other instruments, as these involved pieces span well over 100 years across 12 composers.

Franghiz Ali-Zadeh’s “Music For Piano” opens the listen with much emphasis on tone, as the very complicated keys make for a distinct dreaminess, and “Achtamar”, by Alan Hovhaness, arrives not long after with a lower register that is quite mesmerizing, cinematic even, in the very capable hands.

Further on, “Fractured Bells” finds a more intimate place to reside, where the keys do sound percussive and rumbling in the Natalie Draper composition, while Claude Debussy’s “Pagodes” is full of mystery via the highly meticulous and hypnotic playing.

Deeper still, Henry Cowell’s “Aeolian Harp” radiates a unique intimacy that’s poetic and warm, and “The Horse Is Not Mine, A Hobby Horse”, by Martin Scherzinger, exit with an upbeat and lively presence of inimitable piano skill.

A captivating listen that truly celebrates the versatility of the piano, Lekić’s wealth of talent and imagination birth a body of work that give anyone a new found respect for her instrument.

Travels well with: Mari Kawamura-MA: Space Between; Icarus Quartet- Big Things