Chris Walden & LMR Jazz Orchestra

Missa Iubileum Aureum: Golden Jubilee Jazz Mass

Origin, 2022


Listen to Missa Iubileum Aureum: Golden Jubilee Jazz Mass

The esteemed composer/arranger Chris Walden takes on a substantial project here, where an opportunity for a 50th wedding anniversary brings jazz with the tradition of the liturgical mass for 11 very full and inviting pieces.

“Kyrie” starts the listen with bright brass and elegant keys, as the many voices emit a warm spirit, and “Gloria” follows with a loud and booming approach that showcases the energetic brass, soothing choir and strategic drumming from Gary Novak.

Moving towards the middle, “Offertory- The Passionate Shepherd To His Love” offers a very intimate and absorbing duet from Tierney Sutton and Kurt Elling, while “Sanctus” is a glorious hymn that radiates a very cozy, spiritual demeanor that spotlights a sax solo and much synergy between the St. Dominic’s Schola Cantorum choir.

Further yet, “Agnus Dei” floats with calm winds and Elling’s expressive pipes that complement the gentle melody, and “Thanks Be To God” follows with a festive landscape that embraces quieter ebbs as well as busy, textured jazz and gospel.

You can tell a lot of work went into this effort, and the many winds, brass and voices, not to mention Curt Moore’s vibraphone and Brian Nova’s guitar, make for a big band jazz endeavor that’s not to be missed.

Travels well with: Dave Slonaker Big Band- Convergency; Ben Patterson- The Way Of Groove