Mark Kirschenmann

Cybersonic Outreach

New Focus, 2021


Listen to Cybersonic Outreach

A trumpeter and composer, Mark Kirschenmann creates 8 improvised tracks here, where he tweaks his instrument with pedals and plugins, often altering it in ways that make it unrecognizable, and he’s got some careful electronic noises on hand, too, for the iconoclastic affair.

“Long Walk” starts the album with nearly 9 minutes of low buzzing, unusual trumpet manipulation that emits reed like sounds, and “The Cascades” follows with a sci-fi like presence, where Kirschenmann somehow makes the trumpet seem like a flute/piccolo with his inimitable approach.

Halfway through, “Dust For Vocaloid Trumbots” uses vocals like an instrument amid the cinematic backdrop, while “Out Of Bounds” presents harmonized arpeggiations in unorthodox, mesmerizing ways that few could replicate.

“Our LightHouse” arrives near the end, and recruits a distinct quivering in an almost soulful sort of way, and “Lamentation For My Mother” exits the listen amid droning paired with the almost squealing of the brass that might make you think of a keyboard from the ‘70s.

A fascinating display that maneuvers pitch, timbre, and technology, Kirschenmann’s unique vision makes for an unpredictable journey through his creative mind, and it results in a daring listen.

Travels well with: loadbang- Plays Well With Others; Borderlands Ensemble- The Space In Which To See