Modern Stars


Miacameretta, 2021


Listen to Psychindustrial

An Italian trio with an aptly titled sophomore album, Modern Stars inject plenty of distorted, harmonic and fuzzy ideas into a psyche influenced and adventurous form of rock that’s unpredictable every step of the way.

“Hypnopaedia” starts the listen with a glowing, dreamy version of psyche-rock that’s quite warm, and “Artificial Wombs” follows with a hazy dissonance of rhythmic and shoegaze friendly ideas that are as mesmerizing as they are nostalgic.

Halfway through, “Throw Your Dreams Away” uses acoustic guitar strategically, as agile drumming aligns with the vivid storytelling, while “Ignorance Is Strength” offers an instrumental of soothing sitar prowess that cultivates a very atypical sort of groove.

Rounding out the listen is the droning psychedelia of “Indian Donna Summer”, where singing is manipulated as if an instrument, and the very unusual electric ballad “Deep Feelings”, which features mandolins complementing the fuzz and charming electronica that is used sparingly but effectively.

Andrea Merolle, Barbara Margani and Andrea Sperduti make up Modern Stars, and their blurry, retro and distinct intimacy certainly points towards influences like Spaceman 3 and Suicide, though they still retain a vision all their own.

Travels well with: Daydream Three- The Lazy Revolution; Pulsar Ensemble- Bizarre City