Damiá Timoner


Jerry’s Smilin’

Zoho, 2020


Listen to Jerry’s Smilin’

If the title doesn’t give it away, the Spain based guitarist Damiá Timoner offers us a tribute album here, but not a traditional one in that he also includes songs by different composers who were in The Grateful Dead at some point over the decades.

“Brown Eyed Woman” starts the listen with warm, inviting guitar as the melodies flow out with seeming ease, and this follows with the extremely detailed “Ramble On Rose”, as well as Bob Weir and John Barlow’s “Cassidy”, which illustrates intricate picking in a dreamy setting.

In the middle, “Lady With A Fan/Terrapin Station” brings the longest track at 9 minutes, where Timoner delivers a breezy, almost meditative performance, while “Blow Away” is nothing short of sublime in its cautious yet playful demeanor that’s more firmly based in rock.

Further down the line, Ron McKernan’s “Operator” unfolds with grace and warmth amid blues nods and a memorable riff, and “Touch Of Grey”, one of Garcia’s most known songs with the refrain ‘I Will Get By/ I Will Survive’, exits the listen with no shortage of the Dead’s spirit as Timoner puts his own mark on the classic tune.

Timoner takes some liberties with the songs by changing the key and altering the pitch, however, considering how often The Grateful Dead are covered note for note, it makes this effort a whole more interesting, ensuring smiles from everyone willing to visit.

Travels well with: Swingadelic- Bluesville; Jay Willie & James Montgomery- Cadillac Walk