Paolo Spaccamonti

Volume Quattro

Escape From Today/Dunque


Listen to Volume Quattro

A Turin based guitarist and composer, Paolo Spaccamonti’s 4th solo album again proves why he’s one of the most revered artists in Italian’s thriving avant-garde scene.

After the mysterious and meticulous sounds of the opener “Cuocere verdure e fare il brodo con le ossa”, “Ablazioni” follows with an experimental edge to its post-punk and ominous tone where hip-hop beats are in attendance and used stragetically.

Moving along, “Nessun codardo tranne voi” recruits some spacey like dirge with plenty of moments of thick exploration, while track “Un gelido inverno” trims the pace back to a cinematic, almost New Age-ish soothing quality.

Near the end, the fuzzy “Fumo negli occhi” seems like it could soundtrack a space launch in another dimension, and “Luce”, the longest track at over 7 minutes, pushes and pulls with warm tension and gorgeous texturing. “Diagonal” ends the listen dramatic and droning, effectively putting the exclamation point on this highly unique record.

Amazingly, all sounds on this album were made with a guitar (other than the beats), as Spaccamonti manipulates his instrument in ways that no one else could even come close to.

Travels well with: Stefano Pilia- Dust & Mirrors; Julia Kent- Green And Grey