Stanley Grill

Die Erste Elegie

Self-Released, 2023


Listen to Die Erste Elegie

The classical composer Stanley Grill sure is prolific, and these 6 tracks continue his skilled vision, where 5 movements of the first of R.M. Rilke's Duino Elegies are present and appreciated.

“Symphony Of Sighs”, an addition to Grill’s Music for Ukraine series, opens the listen with the stirring strings from the Czech Chamber Philharmonic Orchestra Pardubice flowing with much beauty and grace, and “Wer, wenn ich schriee” follows with sophistication, where a heartfelt demeanor emits a charming, emotive quality.

Advancing to the back half of the listen, Lisa Rombach’s stunning soprano populates the triumphant spirit of “Stimmen, Stimmen”, while “Freilich ist es seltsam” mixes the winds and strings with poetic and expressive singing in the powerful climate.

The final track, “SchlieBlich brauchen sie uns nicht mehr”, is on par with the greatness of the rest of the album, where the intimate songwriting is complemented by Rombach’s inimitable and memorable pipes.

A leader in the area of contemporary classical sounds, Grill takes help from the conductor Marek Stilec, and it makes for another compelling and intricate effort for the New Jersey resident.

Travels well with: Stanley Grill- Ahimsa; Stanley Grill- Und das Lied bleibt schon