Dolph Chaney


Big Stir Records, 2023


Listen to Mug

The Chicago indie-pop luminary Dolph Chaney returns with a 3rd album on the Big Stir label, where 13 guitar fueled songs touch on many avenues of rock and take much help from Nick Bertling’s drums, keys and guitars, though there’s plenty of guests, too.

The shimmering guitar and thumping drums of the garage-rock friendly “Nice” opens the listen with much melody, and “Cool In The Sunshine” follows with a warm, acoustic strummer that carries some folk-rock ideas that benefit much from Lindsay Murray’s soulful backing vocals.

Deeper into the listen, the heartfelt “Love Around You” brings in Ahren Buchheister’s hazy pedal steel amid Chaney’s expressive pipes, while “Bad Pet” employs Brian Simms’ firm keys to help a timeless rock flavor unfold that allows Chaney’s range to shine.

Further still, “Critic (The Mirror)” showcases Jeff Charreaux’s meticulous guitar playing via the driving and animated, hook filled album highlight, and “First Time Back” exits with a textured and crunchy climate that will always be in demand and appreciated.

If you own any records by Bob Mould, Cheap Trick, Peter Gabriel or even Matthew Sweet, you certainly would be wise to play a copy of Mug loud and often. Trust me, you won’t be disappointed.

Travels well with: Graham Parker & The Goldtops- Last Chance To Learn The Twist;; Arthur Alexander- … Steppin’ Out