David Shapiro & The Crossing

Sumptuous Planet

New Focus, 2023


Listen to Sumptuous Planet

The esteemed composer David Shapiro is aligned with the vocal prowess of The Crossing for these songs that center around the science based position that the universe and nature of existence utilize a musical form that is based in the Christian Mass.

The soaring voices of “Introit-Unsung” opens the listen with gorgeous harmonizing amid the diverse range, and “Mercy- If There Is Mercy” follows with light vocals that emit much intimacy, as the setting is quite dreamy.

Further into the 16 tracks, “Thankfulness” layers the singing with agile precision and warmth, while “Spirit-Mystic Jelly” radiates a stirring, highly melodic presence of heartfelt and powerful vocalization that few could parallel.

Close to the end, “Suffering” comes with plenty of emotion alongside the gripping atmosphere that pays strong attention to mood, and “Osanna- And We Dance” exits with a bright and frisky finish of booming voices.

The texts are rooted in ideas of the evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins, physicist Richard Feynman, and the 17th century Dutch microbiologist Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, where Shapiro’s vision is executed with The Crossing’s luminous presence.

Travels well with: Eric Moe- Strenuous Pleasures; Eric Nathan- Some Favored Nook