Linda Dusman


Neuman, 2023


Listen to Flashpoint

The atypical composer Linda Dusman touches on both personal and political topics here, where 11 experimental pieces mesh societal issues with ideas of identity, memory, and human experience.

The title track opens the listen with Lisa Cella’s solo bass flute making for both mystery and warmth as it manipulates sound with much skill, and “Dream Prayer Lullaby” follows with Airi Yoshioka’s gripping violin playing that uses both bare and firm techniques via the strong attention to pitch.

“Lake Thunder” and “Dancing Universe” land in the middle, where the former employs E. Michael Richards’ cozy Bb clarinet and Patrick Crossland’s moody trombone strategically, while the latter rumbles thanks to the Trio des Alpes, whose strings and keys interact with melody and dreaminess.

Close to the end, the 5 chapters of “Corona Bagatelles” blends Gita Ladd’s violoncello and Daniel Pesca’s piano in cinematic and intimate ways, and “Mother Of Exiles” exits with 10+ minutes of keys, strings, winds and percussion by way of the Inscape Chamber Orchestra, who radiate harmonic waves of beauty.

A listen that’s very topical and comes with a unique prettiness and much care, Dusman’s vision is fleshed out with fascinating attention to detail that is quite fascinating.

Travels well with: Jeremy Beck- Remember; Jon Christopher Nelson- The Persistence Of Time And Memory