Tray Wellington

Black Banjo

Mountain Home, 2022


Listen to Black Banjo

Although he’s still a youngster, Tray Wellington plays banjo like a seasoned vet on this debut album, where some exceptional talent help him flesh out a modern bluegrass approach that flirts with jazz, too.

“Crooked Mind” opens the listen with Wellington’s banjo acrobatics front and center alongside Avery Merritt’s fiddle in the warm climate, and “Port Of Manzanita” follows with stunning strings, where Wayne Benson’s glowing mandolin won’t go unnoticed.

In the middle, “Half Past Four”, by Ed Haley, showcases Carley Arrowood on fiddle, as much beauty is emitted in the timeless bluegrass, while “Saw A Little Boat” places Wellington on vocals amid Jon Stickley’s precise guitar and Kevin Kehrberg’s well timed bass.

“Pond Mountain Breakaway” arrives near the end, where Lyndsay Pruett’s glowing fiddle is nothing short of stunning, and “Nightfall Rendezvous” exits the listen with Arrowhead back on fiddle to complement Wellington’s swift banjo.

Wellington glides through newgrass, old-time fiddle tunes, jazz fueled moments, and, of course, harmonic bluegrass here, and it makes for a superb first record.

Travels well with: The Little Roy And Lizzy Show- Welcome To The Show; The Grascals- Up All Night