James Lee Baker


Self-Released, 2022


Listen to Impressions

An album entirely of cover songs from artists who have in some way shaped and formed James Lee Baker’s craft, Impressions is full of heartfelt, rugged and timeless interpretations you won’t soon forget.

“Young Man In America” (Anais Mitchell) starts the listen with cozy acoustic guitar and Baker’s inimitable vocals that guide the soothing and eloquent folk song, and David Gray’s “Living Room” follows with a brighter approach of warm strumming, as crisp drums and moody organ enters.

Halfway through, “Rolling Rock And Rock ‘n’ Roll”, by Steve LaSala and Gene Kowalski, brings a more upbeat climate that you could even dance to in a country shuffle sort of way, while “Morningside” Flows with much beauty amid the poetic singing and dreaminess of the John Gorka original.

Inching towards the end, Richard W. Todd’s “Deepening Of The Stillness” benefits much from agile strings and a bit of grit in Baker’s pipes that illuminates the vivid storytelling, and “Just Like A Woman” exits the listen with a graceful intimacy where well timed backing vocals complement the Bob Dylan tune.

Baker chooses the works of both world famous names as well as regional favorites, some of which are his friends. And though Baker’s work probably falls into the category of the latter (at this point, anyway), he certainly plays with the skill and memorableness of a household name on this finely executed listen.

Travels well with: Dana Cooper- I Can Face The Truth; Steve Dawson- at the bottom of a canyon in the branches of a tree