Ric Robertson


Carolina Child

Free Dirt, 2021


Listen to Carolina Child

The vocalist and multi-instrumentalist Ric Robertson is nothing if not unique, and here with his esteemed band he brings funk, country and jazz ideas to 10 tracks that sound both indebted to the past but are still very modern, too.

“Getting Over Our Love” starts the listen with Robertson’s soulful, smooth vocals guiding the dreamy opener that benefits from Sam Fribush’s synth flourishes, and “Harmless Feeling” follows with a nostalgic approach as Nick Falk’s precise drumming and Oliver Wood’s slide guitar place some Americana nods into the subdued melodies.

At the halfway point, “Thinkin’ About You” showcases Cameron Scoggins’ subtle but effective vocals amid Robertson’s spirited guitar work, while “Anna Rose” welcomes strings into the calm vocal harmonies thanks to Dori Freeman and Gina Leslie. “My Love Never Sleeps”, one of the album’s best, then takes help from Eddie Barbash’s saxophone amid a very mature and bluesy tinted landscape.

The final two tracks, “Rollin’ River” and “Julie”, don’t disappoint either, as the former bounces playfully with a fiddle, and the latter exits with a slow burner of much beauty and thoughtfulness.

It’s hard not to think of John Prine when listening to Carolina Child, which could never be a bad thing, and it’s quite clear that Robertson put an equal amount of thought into the lyrics and music of this eclectic and very charming effort that’s undeniably timeless.

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