The Chris Ruben Band


Madness On Repeat

Self-Released, 2021


Listen to Madness On Repeat

A very diverse New York City outfit, though Chris Ruben and his band might be funk at their core, they flirt with indie-rock, alt-rock, blues and psychedelia on this energetic and exciting album, where comparisons to artists as wide as RHCP, Prince and The Beatles would be appropriate.

“Unsure” starts the listen with Russ Benjamin’s fluid drumming, bouncy bass work thanks to Brendan Allen and smooth vocals in a very funk friendly and lively rock formula, and “Won’t See You” follows with an initially calmer approach that bursts into a gritty yet melodic version of alt-rock.

Further down the line, the soulful and dance friendly “Starfish” recruits spirited, bluesy guitar work, while “Prayer For Sadness” emits a soaring and rhythmic quality in a busy but precise climate. “Tell Me Why”, one of the album’s best, then showcases their keen sense of funk dynamics amid a punchy, harmonic delivery.

Approaching the end, the psychedelic flavored “Give It Up” offers some scrappy garage rock sensibilities, too, and “Hernia” exits the listen with smooth sax from Frank Lovine, complicated drumming and an undeniable chemistry between the six members.

Ruben and company bring us a great time here that just begs to be heard live, and it’s an effort that’s easy to enjoy, difficult to forget, and one that warrants multiple listens.

Travels well with: George Porter Jr. & Runnin’ Pardners- Crying For Hope; Dumpstaphunk- Where Do We Go From Here