Gerald Cohen


Innova, 2023


Listen to Voyagers

The long running New York composer Gerald Cohen pens an album that includes world premiere pieces of 21st century works, where strings thanks to the Cassatt String Quartet and clarinet and trombone are present.

The title track opens the listen with much attention to atmosphere, where Narek Arutyunian’s clarinet is quite fascinating amid the mature strings and flowing climate of the soft versus dense moments.

“Playing For Our Lives” occupies the middle spot, and is intense, stirring and cinematic, as Muneko Otani and Jennifer Leshnower’s violins emit much warmth and grace, while “Preludes For Debka” exits with a minimal approach that’s accented by Colin Williams’ animated trombone and uses Ah Ling Neu’s viola and Elizabeth Anderson’s cello in strategic and memorable ways.

Cohen’s vision is one of fluid and melodic gestures, and the Cassatt String Quartet’s skill and experience illuminate his dramatic appeal that’s even more exciting thanks to the winds and brass.

Travels well with: Yvonne Lam- Watch Over Us; Ben Verdery & Ulysses Quartet- A Giant Beside You