Kady Rain

Kady Rain

Self-Released, 2021


Listen to Kady Rain

The Austin, Texas resident Kady Rain sure does make an impression on this debut record, where her diverse song craft spans up and down the pop spectrum.

“Crooked” opens the listen with buzzing electro-pop as Rain’s soulful and powerful pipes guide the thumping climate, and “Got Away” continues that energy with gritty guitar alongside a raw and wild display of punk fueled ideas.

Close to the middle, the bright piano of “Fruity” complements the hand clapping and playful nature, while “Lovestruck” aligns well with today’s version of pop amid a very romantic spirit. “Take Me Home” then welcomes acoustic guitar as Rain’s poetic singing suits the folk influenced album highlight.

“It’s Over” actually appears twice- later on and at the end- where the first version is full of atmosphere and mystery with an indie-pop angle, and the latter is just acoustic, as Rain’s stunning pipes are quite absorbing.

A first effort that has absolutely no filler, this is an artist to keep an eye on, as these 13 tracks make one hell of an introduction to this flourishing talent.

Travels well with: TC Superstar- Double Release; Moving Panoramas- In Two