The Rave-Ups


Omnivore, 2022


Listen to Tomorrow

The Rave-Ups released a trio of albums from 1985-1990, and enjoyed much success with their cowpunk ways, and even made an appearance in a couple of John Hughes movies.

A reunion show for a reissue of their debut album sparked an interest among the members, and here we’re treated to their first album in 32 years, where the original members Jimmy Podrasky, Terry Wilson, Tommy Blatnik and Timothy Jimenez are in fine form.

“So, You Wanna Know The Truth?” opens the listen with crisp drumming, swift banjo and smooth vocals for the energetic roots rocker, and “Brigitte Bardot” follows with a playful and jumpy melody that just invites dancing.

Moving along, “Cry” offers a calmer display of sprited guitar, thumping drums and well timed piano that builds into an anthemic delivery, while “Coming After Me” employs harmonica and pedal steel from Marty Rifkin for the reflective and radiant album highlight.

Nearing the end, “When I Write Your Name” is a thick and rowdy country rocker, and “Tomorrow” exits the listen intimate and breezy with some folk-rock ideas entering the dreamy finish.

A very mature affair that still captures the fervor of their youth, this is a fantastic comeback album, and you won’t hear me complaining if The Rave-Ups put out many more.

Travels well with: The Whitmore Sisters- Ghost Stories; The Bootheels- 1988: The Original Demos