Alan Hovhaness


Selected Piano Compositions

Kalan, 2019


Listen to Selected Piano Compositions

The exceptional pianist Sahan Arzruni interprets the work of his friend, Alan Hovhaness, where much of the compositions were unpublished, and culled from handwritten manuscripts that were influenced by Hovhaness’ Armenian heritage.

“Invocations To Vahakn” starts the listen with tumbling keys, as glorious piano acrobatics unfold across 5 movements that embrace strategic percussion and plenty of mood, and “Yenovk” follows and moves calmly, where much grace is present as it evolves into a mysterious setting that’s never short on beauty.

Further along, “Journey Into Dawn” is nothing short of sublime as both bare and busy moments populate the timeless climate, while “Lake Of Van Sonata” rumbles and glides with fascinating key prowess that few could replicate. “Hakhpat” finishes the listen, and spreads out across 8 chapters that are absorbing, awe inspiring and radiate much creativity.

A collection of songs the date from the 1940’s and early ‘50s and illustrates Hovhaness’ link between the physical and metaphysical worlds, the liner notes include extensive photos, historical information, and analysis in English, Armenian and Turkish, written by Arzruni. Although this was released in 2019, it’s only become available in the United States now, and is a must hear effort for those with an affinity for piano work.

Travels well with: Zixiang Wang- First Piano Sonatas; Jaap Nico Hamburger- Piano Concerto/Concerto Pour Piano