Beth Jean


Let’s Put On A Show

Self-Released, 2021


Listen to Let’s Put On A Show

The Wisconsin native Beth Jean is quickly making new fans as her videos have been featured on the PBS show The Friday Zone, and this sophomore album is sure to extend her reach as her passion for music and theater shines through in creative songs that encourages our children to use their imaginations.

“Let’s Put On A Show” starts the listen with plenty of energy as the sounds of tap dancing are present alongside playful keys, backing vocals and Jean’s bright singing, and “You Are Magic!” follows with a punchy and charming display of kid friendly pop.

Later on in Act I (the record is divided into two acts), “No Gravity” uses synthetic drumming and plenty of dreaminess in the atmosphere, where Jean’s expressive pipes draw us in, while “Never Give Up” follows with a vivid ‘80s spirit as flowing songwriting and plenty of timelessness enter the equation.

The back half of the listen leads with the quirky “I Am A Hammer, Yes I Am Sir!”, where fun storytelling enters a song sung by a hamster, and “Garden Gnome”, another clever track, is narrated by a garden gnome. The final track, “Tweet A LIttle Tweet Tweet”, pairs a bird with Jean’s pipes as you can’t help but want to skip down the street on a glorious summer day to the intoxicating climate.

A true DIY Effort, Jean wrote, sang and played the bulk of the instruments on this effort during quarantine. She even made several videos for the songs, which included recording and editing by Jean as well. Although she was classically trained on violin, and she’s got a resume that includes writing songs for the MTV and E! networks, and she again proves her diverse nature with this excellent children’s record.

Travels well with: The Laurie Berkner Band- Let’s Go!; Stacy Peasley- Make It Happen