Rory Block


Prove It On Me

Stony Plain, 2020


Listen to Prove It On Me

This sophomore album from Rory Block’s Power Women of the Blues series takes a unique approach, as she interprets 9 tunes from underrated, strong blues women like Arizona Dranes, Elvie Thomas, Madlyn Davis and Rosetta Howard, to name a few, while contributing one of her own.

“He May Be Your Man” starts the listen playfully with Block’s soulful and soaring pipes alongside strategic bass lines, and “It’s Red Hot” follows with breezy melodies in the funk filled landscape.

Elsewhere, Block puts her country influenced twist on Ma Rainey’s “Prove It On Me” while “I Shall Wear A Crown” brings in backing vocals on the gospel spirited album highlight. “Wayward Girl Blues”, another stand out tune, then offers cautious rhythm amid some pop friendly melodies.

The sole Block original, “Eagles”, is the ballad of the album, where sublime beauty surrounds the emotive atmosphere, and “Motherless Child” exits the listen vocally strong with precise acoustic guitar in the bluesy finish.

Blocks makes all the songs her own here, as her slide guitar sounds better than ever, while the veteran songstress proves just why she’s won countless awards and has released 30+ well received albums. Hopefully bringing more visibility to these underappreciated artists, this is a covers record unlike any you’ve heard before or will likely hear again.

Travels well with: Janiva Magness- Change In The Weather; Sue Foley- The Ice Queen