Disturbed Furniture

Continuous Pleasures

Arevarc, 2019


Listen to Continuous Pleasures

An outfit who were very active in the thriving underground New York City scene in the late ‘70s and early ‘80s, Disturbed Furniture left an indelible mark on artistic and club fueled music during their brief career, and here they return 35 years later with 5 tunes lead by frontwoman Alexa Hunter.

“Halo Of Pain” starts the EP with a throbbing pulse of power and melody in a dark spirited, post-punk haze, where strong vocals from Hunter sit well alongside the organ and fuzzy atmosphere. “Ill In Paris” follows and brings the setting down to a quieter setting with congas and a guiro in the diverse tune.

The last 3 tunes are just as memorable, including the more bare, surreal and raw beauty of “Angel Of Losses”, the charged punk sounds and angular guitar work of “Hit Or A Miss”, and the funky bass lines and percussive heavy “In The Front”, which is full of boogie spirit and playful rhythm.

While there is no shortage of bands from the ‘80s reuniting, few are doing it as well and with the strong songwriting prowess of Disturbed Furniture. Though the band were making quite a name for themselves back in the day, playing alongside The Clash, Psychedelic Furs and even the Go-Go’s, this version of Disturbed Furniture looks to trump anything they’ve done in the past, or at least the New Wave, Art-Punk fueled formula on Continuous Pleasures seems to be pointing towards that.

Travels well with: The Stranglers- Black And White; Sector 27- Sector 27