Steve Hill

Dear Illusion

No Label, 2022


Listen to Dear Illusion

The veteran blues-rock guitarist Steve Hill returns with his 12th album, and it’s one of his most personal and introspective yet, where the firm, upfront and loud blues doesn’t let up for the entire affair.

“All About The Love” makes an immediate impression, and opens up the listen with a dense and thumping version of blues rock which showcases Hill’s rugged pipes and intricate guitar playing that's complemented by booming horns, and “Keep It Together” follows with spirited harmonica alongside soulful brass and a lively rhythm section.

“Steal The Light From You” occupies the middle spot, and is full of melodic swagger that you could certainly dance to, while “Don’t Let The Truth Get In The Way (Of A Good Story)” recruits driving guitars and acrobatic drumming for the pounding, anthemic album highlight.

Approaching the end, the timeless blues of “She Gives Lessons In Blues” shines in its meticulous yet playful delivery, and “Until The Next Time” exits with a soothing dreaminess, where the excellent bass lines mesh well with Hill’s reflective guitar tone and expressive singing.

This record didn’t come without a tremendous amount of work across 6 years in the making, and Hill is in the company of The Devil Horns, as well as the drummer extraordinaire Wayne Proctor, who contributions are nothing short of stunning. A true renaissance man, Hill even illustrated a comic book for the album, to accompany the equally vivid song craft.

Travels well with: Todd Sharpville- Medication Time; Al Basile- Through With Cool