J.E. Sunde

Alice, Gloria And Jon

Vietnam, 2023


Listen to Alice, Gloria And Jon

The Minneapolis songwriter and multi-instrumentalist J.E. Sunde returns with his first album in three years, and it’s an affair that surrounds adult life from a very poetic angle.

“Stop Caring” opens the listen with much soulfulness thanks to the warm drums, cozy keys and Sunde’s distinct singing, and “Turn The Radio On” follows with dreamy melodies populating the stylish version of calm indie-rock.

At the halfway point, “Blind Curve” carries a retro spirit of timeless folk ideas that showcase Sunde’s expressive pipes, while “Alice” is an upbeat and mesmerizing display of bouncy bass, frisky drums and well timed backing vocals.

Arriving near the end, the acoustic guitar fueled “Morning” radiates a flowing grace that says much without any words, and “Nurse” exits with a subdued presence of cautious yet exploratory songwriting.

Sunde’s warbling voice and unique observations are at the heart of the listen, and his sophisticated prowess incorporates waltz and pop nods where he plays most instruments (Shane Leonard handles drums, Andrew Thoreen on bass) for a listen of rare beauty.

Travels well with: Suz Slezak- Our Wings May Be Featherless; Erisy Watt- Eyes Like An Ocean