David Del Trici

Many Hands: The Piano Music of David Del Tredici Vols. 2-4

Albany, 2023


Listen to Many Hands: The Piano Music of David Del Tredici Vols. 2-4

The pianist Marc Peloquin brings his esteemed playing to these compositions by David Del Tredici that unfold across 3 discs of very fluid and meticulous key prowess.

“Carioca Boy-Tango” opens the listen with rumbling versus melodic gestures of uniquely animated playing, and it isn’t long until “Soliloquy” arrives with unpredictable and bare versus busier moments.

The title track arrives in the middle disc, and showcases profoundly intricate key patterns that are full of melody, while “Opposites Attract” emits soothing harmonic qualities where the keys dance around plenty of rich playing.

Late in the listen, “Late In The Game” use firm techniques as well as dreamy bouts for the record’s best selection, and “Ray’s Birthday Suit” places much emphasis on tone and mood for a very distinct finish.

Del Tredici is known as a founder of neo-romanticism, and Peloquin certainly illuminates his vision with very capable playing that’s sensitive, adaptable and highly memorable.

Travels well with: Justin Hellman- Garden Of The Gods; Joseph Summer- Sea Change String Quartets